To arrange a concert

The Atelier hosts young performers as well as more established musicians regardless of genre (classical music, jazz, French chansonniers, world music …). The team tries to ensure a balanced and high-quality programme, and makes its choices on that basis. Usually, only one concert per weekend can be organised, ie on Friday, Saturday or Sunday. If you wish to arrange a concert, please fill in the form below, answer each question and tick the box “J’accepte les conditions” ( = I agree to the terms and conditions) (see also below under “Contribution to costs”: €150 (170€ as of September 2023)to be paid in advance).

The Atelier sees to the organisation, including circulating programmes through its mailing list and several Brussels-based media. Performers are also encouraged to circulate their Atelier programme via their own networks in order to reach a wider audience. Maximum seating capacity in the 2nd floor aula is 74. It is our tradition that the audience gets a free “friendship drink” at the end of the performance so as to foster contact between the audience and the performers. Due to some IT issues we ask you to send your request(s) directly to our e-mail address :    and not through our website  


  • Contribution to costs: €170 up from september 2023 (includes tuning the piano, if required)
  • This to be paid no later than 6 weeks prior to the event, stating the nature and the date of the event in the “communication” box, to: IBAN BE90 0016 3550 0832, BIC GEBABEBB
  • Usual ticket price 15€ for adults, 10€ for students under 26 and children under 12)
  • The takings go to the performers


Penalties (save in case of force majeure):
  1. 50% of the deposit if cancellation occurs between 6 and 4 weeks before the date
  2. 75% of the deposit if between 4 and 2 weeks
  3. 100% if cancellation occurs less than 2 weeks before the date

Booking requests

All requests undergo an approval procedure, in order to ensure that our programme remains balanced over the year. The Atelier usually hosts 1 concert per week, on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday evening. We will reply to your booking enquiry directly by email. In the interests of ensuring the quality of our programmes we do ask people, especially if it is their first time, to send us an example of their work via a link (eg video, website), a description of what they propose to put on and a short CV (with the main points of their professional training and experience). Please also specify whether you are listed among the artists in the catalogue of Art et Vie of the Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles, and whether you wish the Atelier to apply for a grant in respect of your concert. This will be passed on to you in toto in addition to the evening’s takings, provided that you have paid the requisite €150 in advance.

The performance space will be available for a rehearsal on the day itself. If performers are unable to rehearse on the day of their performance, the space will, if possible, be made available free of charge on a day in the week preceding the performance.

  Due to some IT issues we ask you to send your request(s) directly to our e-mail address :    and not through our website